insiders guide to facebook adsIf you’re still flirting with the idea of creating your first Facebook Ads Campaign but feeling a little intimidated… don’t worry… you’re not alone. On the other hand, if you’ve finally conjured up the confidence to indulge yourself, but to no unveil sales are so far, few and between that your campaigns are currently in oblivion i.e., paused… you’re not alone either.

By all means don’t give up… Facebook is one of the most lucrative platforms around for an online business. The key to a successful Facebook campaign is targeting. There is nothing else out there on the market that provides a laser-targeted audience to promote your offers other than Facebook.

A well targeted ad campaign can save you a ton of money on advertising, and increase your ROI like nothing you’ve ever seen before. The initial process of setting up a campaign on Facebook can appear to be a little convoluted at first; however once you develop a better understanding of “Audiences” and how to target by “Interests” you’re well on your way to making some dough.

Market Research

insiders guide to facebook adsFinding your target audience is probably the most dreaded and time consuming process of creating campaigns in Facebook – but it has to be done! In order to really maximize every click and impression from your ads you need to know the interest of your audience, along with their behaviors, demographics and whatever else is prevalent to your offer.

Unfortunately, this is where most marketers fail with their ads… ya see – there’s very little time if any spent on market research. In part because most of us have that “time is money mentality” and will try to shortcut our way to success. My lazy efforts cost me dearly back in the day…  I was convinced FB Marketing was a waste of time and money until I realized how integral market research was to secure a successful campaign.

Ad Type & Objectives

An ad object is basically the goal of your campaign, and what you want your audience to do as a result. Currently FB offers ten ad objectives, and rather than discussing them all, I’ll just highlight a couple that are most relevant to internet marketers 1. Send People To Your Website – does exactly what it says it does… such that it can be used to send traffic to your landing page for sales or opt-ins. Furthermore, this can be a viable option for running retargeting ads.

2. Increase Conversions On Your Website – works in the same way as the first objective; however a conversion pixel must be installed on your website (e.g., thank you page or other page where a desired action has taken place) for tracking, so that FB can help optimize your ads for best conversions. This objective is most commonly used with Marketers with their own sites for easy access to their desired pixel placement.

Ad types go hand in hand with your objectives, the position where the ad is shown in, and of course the device for which you want your ad to be shown on which can be identified as news feed ads, right column ads, and mobile ads. Keep in mind that right column ads will not be shown on mobile phones, which is why you’d want to create mobile ads specifically for mobile users.

So which ad type works best? Although right column ads are cheaper, it has been my experience that news feed ads provides the best click through rate (CTR). And while there is no real rhyme or reason for this… other than their bigger and display much more information than right column or mobile ads… news feed ads work. But, it all boils down to split testing your ads and running with the ad that performs the best.


Obviously this is only the tip of the iceberg… there is a plethora of information available for creating successful FB ad campaigns. And I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t share with you where my training originated from. I struggled for months on my own with FB ads only to come up short every time… it was just too much information to try and swallow.

I spent a lot of money on resources and training guides only to fall short of my goals again and again. It wasn’t until I discovered Facebook Ads Made Easy that I became successful with my Facebook Ads.

I simply discovered this training in my quest for something that would help me dominate FB Marketing. The value I received from this comprehensive training is worth 3x over the actual price. My sole purpose for sharing this incredible product with you is to help you overcome your fear of FB ads and tap into one of the most lucrative traffic sources on the market.

Do yourself a favor and DON’T blow another dollar on a losing FB campaign until you go through the training offered by Facebook Ads Made Easy. you’ll thank me later…

Pickup the FREE Report by clicking here.









Digital Marketer & Entrepreneur - Specializing In Video and FB Marketing.

    4 replies to "The Insiders Guide To Facebook Ads"

    • Roy Miller

      Mark, great post on Facebook advertising. I have not tried it yet. I will check into FB Traffic Rush when I get ready. Thank you for the resource.

      • mbuchanan


        Facebook is a great platform for capturing leads and generating sales… however the key is targeting your audience. Once you master targeting everything else will fall into place in order to be successful.


    • Bob Caine

      Hi Mark,

      FB is an advertising media I know nothing about. So I learned a lot from your post. I am definitely going to look into FB Traffic Rush,


      • mbuchanan


        FB is a platform you should definitely tap into… you’d be amazed of how targeted the traffic is.


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