My start to internet marketing began in 2014 in an attempt to supplement my income when my job could no longer support my financial obligations. Since my story is a complicated one… I will scale it down simply for this blog post and share all the juicy details later in my forthcoming eBook to be released in the fall. Now having said all that, it was during my quest of locking down some part-time employment where I eventually got caught up with internet marketing.
How To Make Money Online? That has to be at the top or better yet the number one google phrase people type in when pursuing additional income right? Obviously it’s no surprise that I used the same keywords in my pursuit to financial freedom. To be perfectly candid, I knew nothing about internet marketing. I was actually trying to find a job online until I discovered that people were actually making money selling other people’s products/services on the internet and making a commission from the sales… so of course I became intrigued.
Once I began researching this model I knew right off the bat that I could do this and be very successful at it. The only problem was (and I’m sure you can relate) is that I refused to buy into the training because I couldn’t tell the difference between what was credible and a scam. As a result, I took it upon myself to learn this model from every free resource available on the internet, and after about a year of trial and error my net sales was a whopping $0.00 – again, my investment to help educate me and my business was very minimal. And of course I had the wrong mindset, all I thought about was making money when I should have been trying to promote products and services that could help people solve their problems.
What I did discover however; and this may or may not shock you… is that most of the free information online is outdated. What worked once upon time ago, unfortunately do not work in today’s market; especially with all the algorithm changes buy google over the years. So what did I do you ask? I decided to open up my wallet and invest! I continued my research, found some credible new offers, purchased the product and took action… Wallah!! Things started to change – I began making money (with the mindset of helping others of course).
What I finally revealed was that all the new techniques that are making marketers money do not come for FREE… I discovered that successful marketers spend a lot of time and money on research & development; moreover on testing, which could go on for months before a specific method is actually proven to generate sales, and thus offer value to other marketers looking to optimize their business. So of course, it make sense now right? To get the most relevant and updated information to help you be successful online you’d have to pay money for it (like with anything else that has value).
My only advice is to be selective in your purchases and not get caught up buying product after product. You will become so overwhelmed with information – circumventing you from taking massive action. In this business there are two types of marketers… those who take action and prosper from trial & error – and those who don’t take action because they’re afraid of failure. So which one are you? Are you going to take action with the knowledge you gained thus far? Or, are you going to just sit and contemplate on buying the next big thing?
6 replies to "My Journey To Internet Marketing"
Hi Mark,
Great post, did you produce your ebook?
Thanks Brian… the ebook is still in the works, targeted for release around year end.
Hi There Mark: Fantastic post. I can sure relate. I finally had to take action and invest in me and get a mentor. It is something that I do not regret, and only wish I had done so three years ago. Like they say, better late than never.
Warm regards,
Hi Kathy-
Finding a mentor and taking action was the best thing I ever did… glad to see that you’re on the right track.
Good luck!
Hi Mark,
I feel your pain. I started back in 2007 and tried the free route. Because of taking the free route, I have gotten frustrated and quit several times. It was not until I invested in the right coach that I started seeing results.
Hi Shreya-
If there is any advise I would share to a newbie is “time is money” you’re going to spend it one way or another. Might as well invest in someone you consider reputable who you can trust.